100 Grand Central Ave Spc 303, Vienna WV 26105 | Call: 681-229-0219 | survivalridgeco@gmail.com
Protect your outdoor gear and clothing from biting insects with Sawyer Insect Repellent for Gear, a powerful 12oz spray featuring Permethrin, the most effective treatment for preventing bug bites on fabric. This versatile formula not only repels but also kills mosquitoes, ticks, chiggers, mites, and over 55 other insects upon contact. It’s ideal for treating clothing, tents, backpacks, sleeping bags, and other outdoor gear, providing long-lasting protection that lasts up to 6 weeks or through 6 washes.
Permethrin-treated gear offers an additional layer of defense against insect-borne diseases like Lyme disease and West Nile virus, making it an essential tool for anyone spending time outdoors. The odorless formula dries quickly, won’t stain fabrics, and is safe for use on all types of clothing and gear. With the Sawyer Insect Repellent for Gear, you can enjoy your adventures without worrying about pesky, disease-carrying insects.
Main Benefits and Features:
Ideal Uses for Outdoor Adventures and Everyday Protection: